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Join the D2XCEL Network

The D2XCEL network unites 200+ key expert investors, lead customers and procurers, network partners, and mentors who will bring in their expertise, insights, and networks to holistically support 100 selected ventures to excel and scale effectively their innovations.  

Network Mission

Our prime ambition is to reinforce innovative companies to increase Europe’s sustainability and sovereignty. The D2XCEL Network establishes the foundation for the scaling programme, which will support 100 promising ventures to expand their market footprint in 10 key market opportunities within the following streams: sustainable logistics, trade, transport & mobility, energy, construction, and smart cities.

We will bring together a prominent, active, and well-balanced group of stakeholders who will work collectively throughout the programme. This collaboration aims to open business opportunities for the ventures, share complementary competencies, global knowledge, and recognized expertise, while maintaining strong connections within and beyond the network.

Benefits of Joining

✔️ Direct and early access to Europe’s top-performing innovative ventures in strategic areas such as sustainable logistics, trade, transport & mobility, energy, construction, and smart cities;

Deep insights from sessions with innovators/investors/peers, learning about best practices in working with startups.

✔️ Tailored and time-efficient
engagement approach based on your expertise, willingness, and interest to contribute to the Programme;  

✔️ Opportunity to be part of our strong network of 300+ stakeholders, including lead customers, investors, corporations, mentors and of course, the selected ventures which the project will support. 

✔️ Participation in relevant invitation-only events - investment or partnering roadshow events, in person or online.  

✔️ Visibility in relevant communications including the project website, newsletter, and social media channels.  

✔️ Recognition and enhanced brand profile being featured in D2XCEL reports as a network stakeholder. 

✔️A contribution to making Europe more sustainable, sovereign, and equitable.  

60 expert investors

with investment interest in specific market opportunities, some of them, if willing to, will be part of the selection panels to assess and select ventures.

60 potential lead customers and procurers

(corporations, ports, cities and other relevant customers and procurers) expressing genuine interest in adopting innovative solutions, willingness to engage with the ventures and offering a market for their products or services, or a pilot or client reference.

40 network partners

including startups support organizations, local ecosystem players, advisors, and networks for additional (ad hoc) cross-border acceleration services or to source applications from their networks and involve them in supporting their startups to build their capacity.

40 independent mentors

with experience and relationships at scale-up board level who will be engaged with the selected ventures in various sessions.

If you fall within any of the categories above and share our mission, get on board and be among the top 200 key stakeholders to strengthen Europe's leadership and sustainable growth in the key sectors of sustainable logistics, trade, transport & mobility, energy, construction, and smart cities. Express your interest now here.

Any questions? Sign up for one of our info webinars for stakeholders.