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Ventures Spotlight Series: Spark e-Fuels

Oct 10, 2024 1:03:49 PM

Spotlight Series 1200 x 200 (3)

We are pleased to interview Dr. Mathias Bösl, Co-founder of Spark e-Fuels , a climate tech start-up focused on reducing aviation’s environmental impact. They develop cost-effective and scalable e-fuel systems for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production.

These systems are powered directly by low-cost renewable electricity. Their proprietary technology allows for flexible and efficient SAF production, helping to lower aviation emissions.

Spark e-Fuels is one of the 50 selected companies in Cohort 1 and part of the Sustainable Freight Transportation group.

What’s the biggest problem in your industry that you’re tackling and how? 

The most pressing issue in our industry is the limited availability and high cost of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The aviation sector is responsible for significant CO2 emissions, and while SAF is the best solution, current production methods are either too expensive or not scalable. At Spark e-Fuels, we are addressing these barriers by developing a cost-effective, scalable process to produce SAF using renewable electricity, H2, and CO2. Our proprietary load-flexible e-fuels technology enables us to produce SAF by directly tapping into the most affordable renewable electricity, reducing costs and ensuring scalability. With this load-flexible, grid-independent approach, our processes are adaptable to different geographies and fluctuating energy supplies.

What keeps you awake at night about your startup?

What keeps me awake at night is the sheer scale of the challenge we are trying to solve. The aviation industry needs to reduce emissions, and we’re racing against time to make our e-fuel solution viable on a large scale. Every day counts, and while we’re making great strides, several factors need to be considered to quickly move from pilot projects to full-scale production. The complexity of aligning all these factors—technology, partnerships, regulation, and financing—while ensuring that our SAF remains cost-competitive constantly keeps us moving.

In your wildest dreams, what would success look like for your company?

In our vision, Spark e-Fuels will have revolutionized the aviation industry by making e-fuels the standard for all flights, replacing conventional fossil-based jet fuels entirely. Success would mean that our technology is built in a global network of e-fuel production plants powered by renewable energy, providing cost-effective and scalable SAF solutions for airlines everywhere. Ultimately, Spark will be recognized as the leading company that made net-zero aviation a reality, helping to eliminate the environmental impact of flying while keeping the world connected​.

Our Open Call 2 is now live. We invite ventures operating in Supply Chain, Mobility, Energy, Circular Models, and Smart Cities to apply here.

Potential network stakeholders (investors, lead customers, mentors and supporting partners) are welcome to apply here.

This project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement Nº101121100. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

