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D2XCEL first open call is now live!

Apr 2, 2024 1:35:31 PM

Be among the first top 50 selected deep tech and digital companies supported by our network  

D2XCEL is a collaborative pan-European scaling program, bringing together a top-tier industry network of 300+ investors, public and private lead customers, and innovation hubs to support deep tech and digital ventures. We holistically mentor and connect companies, to strengthen Europe's leadership and sustainable growth in key sectors such as Transport, Logistics, Trade, and Smart Cities.  

Announcing our first open call campaign! 

Starting the 2 April and ending on 14 June, 17:00 CET, applications are open for deep tech and digital companies: 

  • Located in any of the EU member states or Horizon Europe-associated countries   
  • Which have already received a  first investment (equity or non-dilutive grant)  
  • Looking for Series A to Series A+ funding  
  • Address one of the five target market opportunities 
  • Which have achieved market-product fit within one of the market opportunities and are looking to expand their market  

Market Opportunities 

For the first open call of D2XCEL, the world-class team of partners behind the project identified the following focus areas:  

  • Logistics   
  • Sustainable Freight Transportation   
  • AI-Powered Digital Services for Sustainable and Smart Cities
  • Large-scale Stationary Energy Storage      
  • Sustainable and Circular Construction

The top 50 companies (10 in each market opportunity) will be selected to join the D2XCEL scaling programme through the 1st Open Call.  

You can read more about the market opportunities and the open call application process at Companies can apply online through a simple, non-bureaucratic process, requiring only essential information to express interest and provide insights on the company including a pitch deck.  

Applications will be evaluated based on criteria such as leadership competence, product/technology merit, market potential, go-to-market strategy, presentation quality, and business clarity/credibility. After the end of the application process, a Selection Panel formed by prominent investors and experts from the network for each market opportunity will look at the profiles of the applicants and assess them. 

What is in it for you?   

  • Access to the D2XCEL network of expert investors, corporates, lead customers, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs  
  • Holistic and collaborative time-efficient mentoring to address your company’s individual challenges as well as industry-specific ones in real-demand sessions  
  • Hands-on tools and experience to grow and expand  
  • Roadshow events to meet in person the top investors, corporations, and lead customers relevant to your market   
  • Visibility and recognition among our network and beyond  

D2XCEL is looking forward to welcoming Europe’s best deep-tech and digital ventures to the programme! Apply here 

Open call timeline and stages 

  • 2 April  2024 - Launch and companies applying on the D2XCEL website. The full details of the open call, including eligibility criteria, market opportunities, selection criteria, and application instructions, are published in a Guideline for Applicants on the project website -  
  • 14 June 2024 - The application process ends. 
  • June - August 2024 - Applications are evaluated by a Selection Panel based on criteria such as leadership competence, product/technology merit, market potential, go-to-market strategy, presentation quality, and business clarity/credibility. There will be 10 companies selected for each market opportunity. 
  • Beginning of September 2024 - Announcement of selected companies. All applicants will receive notifications regarding their application status, including qualification for the D2XCEL Scaling Programme, placement on the reserve list, or rejection with justification. 


*D2XCEL is an EU-funded project that has received financing from the European Union under grant agreement Nº101121100. 
